Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Completeness in Christ.

Colossians 2:6-7
6 So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, 7 rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.

There's certain things in life that just don't change. The problem is a lot of what we surround ourselves with, does change, which alters an otherwise logical perspective of this matter. Think about it: fashion is constantly evolving and technology is revolutionary. Even our day to day life brings about unexpected events, of which may be facebook status worthy. Software companies always release updated versions every 3-5 years. The next best phone and computer is something new just about every month. Now, we're a day away from Thanksgiving, and two days away from Black Friday. Surely, there's something appealing in those ads whether it's for you or for someone else! We're always ready for the new and improved version of everything.

Do you know what doesn't change though? Jesus Christ and the fact that he's the one, true way. No Facebook update is needed. However, it's always good to remind others about his everlasting nature, perhaps through Facebook. Jesus doesn't get any better than the way we know him today. Even though, he doesn't change, we can't become complacent and stagnant in our faith.

It is our job to dig ourselves further into the Word of God and grasp the basic truth of Jesus Christ. If this is a reality then our future is in Christ's hands. Be thankful that this truth exists!

Thank you so much Lord for the simple, yet vast truth of Jesus Christ. May we feed off it day and in day out!

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