Friday, April 2, 2010

Tears of Joy and Pain.

Psalm 39:12
12 "Hear my prayer, O LORD,
listen to my cry for help;
be not deaf to my weeping.
For I dwell with you as an alien,
a stranger, as all my fathers were.

When you think of tears running down someone's face, you don't think of them as dry do you? They're moist tears. The same can be said with the human heart. Tears soften our heart. Have you ever seen someone like your best friend cry? How about a child who falls? I know instantly when that happens, my heart is filled with compassion and sometimes I even begin to tear. How about when we cry? Isn't it comforting when others surround us and act in order to comfort us. Words are only successful and meaningful to a certain extent. Not only do actions fill in the gaps, but so do tears.

Have you ever gone to the Lord in tears? Sometimes that's the only thing that you can do. The good thing about weeping is that often it conveys our feelings and emotions best - everything from extreme anguish and grief to joy and praise. They come instantly and usually without control. When words can't express our thoughts, sometimes tears come in as a substitute. Even then, the Holy Spirit guides your conversation with God.

When you cry, God's heart is softened too. I think this makes the Lord turn his attention to us. When Jesus said his prayers with agony, God heard them and he expressed great compassion. Our tears should represent our acknowledgment of the need for help from the Lord. God comforts and heals us. God, may our cries be heard by you.

Two days until He is Risen! It's Good Friday everyone.

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