Friday, April 9, 2010

Double Standards.

2 Corinthians 3:2
2 You yourselves are our letter, written on our hearts, known and read by everybody.

You mean everything as a Christian! All of your actions hopefully represent the Word of God. If it doesn't, people are going to notice!

This is an important point to realize and it goes along with lying and deception with which I've been discussing this week.

Think about it, if you go against what the good news says then you're making it an unattractive source. If it doesn't match up to what comes out of our mouth, how you behave, and what you believe in, then other people get the impression "what's the point of being a Christian again?" I'm sure this is a clear turning point for people who are in the middle - and it probably means a no. You must be respectful too. Don't steal anything or take advantage of someone either as this all looks bad. In other words, don't make the Bible look bad and then invite someone to church. What does that say about you, then?

No matter where you are...home, work, school, or in the grocery store, don't live a double standard or two-faced life. Live out what you believe all the time. If you don't do this, no one will feel the need to serve the Lord. If you curse, cheat, or lie, then you're making the Bible look like it's worth nothing and worth nobody's time.

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