Monday, November 10, 2008

Unification = Success.

Mark 3:24
24 “A kingdom divided by civil war will collapse.

I was quickly looking over my devotions from last week and an additional thought came to me about a general topic from last week. Part of last week's main idea was that the church is a body of Christ - one Body. I talked about that on November 4. Ironically, that was Election Day. I just realized that if we're not a unified country then we can't accomplish anything. We need to be one country, under God. We need to be on the same page or else we can't function properly as a country and work together.

The change that Obama promises can't happen just because of him. The change will only occur if Obama works with others. Meanwhile, as American citizens, given our right, we need to speak out and let our voice be heard as well. Writing letters to state representatives, or anyone with high authority is an example. This way we can feed off each other's suggestions and grow together. How will America ever be a huge family if we don't work together?

The same can be said about our faith. If you don't like something that is going on in the church, do something about it. You can keep it to yourself or you can mention it to a leader and offer to help make a change (perhaps with a group of people). This will help you grow in faith and have a better relationship with Christ as you see him in other people. How will the church ever be a huge family if we don't work together?

"America, this is our moment. This is our time. Our time to turn the page of the policies of the past." ~Barack Obama

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