Friday, November 14, 2008

God Provides Peace and Rest.

John 14:27
27 “I am leaving you with a gift—peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give. So don’t be troubled or afraid.

Recently, I've heard peace mentioned a lot in many different ways. I think God is saying it's okay if you're have inner conflict, but I'm telling you I'm here for you. He makes a troubled heart into a peaceful one.

I have to wonder if we really appreciate the peace he has to offer and I wonder if we realize that we can tap into God's's available! However, we still stress out, toss and turn at night, become depressed, and feel like we have no purpose.

Knowing that God provides peace can build your character, make you stronger, and less worrisome. Don't be afraid to grasp his peace every now and then. It's a resource that will always be there...c'mon he loves you!

For light I go directly to the Source of light, not to any of the reflections. ~Peace Pilgrim

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