Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Taking Advantage of Christ's Presence.

John 1:11
11 He came to that which was his own, but his own did not receive him.

Jesus was nice enough to come to Earth to save us from our sins. He's here for us to come to every single day. He doesn't take any vacations no matter what time of year it is. We just have to follow the two "p" rules: 1) be patient and 2) be persistent. We don't usually follow those rules though. We get tired of waiting and we do everything but receive the love and grace of God.

I think all too often we have ideals already in our mind. That is, we have dreams and goals that sound good to us and often become blinded by them. Thus, we close our minds from Christ and don't do as he wants from us. Jesus comes to us all the time and we're not ready.

Those infomercials that say "don't wait to purchase our product any longer. In fact, we'll give you a free ___________ if you call now." As far as surrendering to Jesus, that seems pretty relevant. We're missing Jesus' free comfort and more if we ignore him.

Generally, the more you do something, the easier it becomes. The same goes for God. The more we push him away, the easier it is, and the more harmful it can be for our spiritual lives.

Take time to soften your heart and receive God's grace and love today. You can wait until the New Year or you can renew your commitment with God today! Let Jesus lead the way. Now go follow his ways and let him make you into the person he wants you to become.

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