Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Jesus is the Window to God.

John 1:18
18 No one has ever seen God, but God the One and Only, who is at the Father's side, has made him known.

Have you ever thought about what the greatest evidence that God exists is? Sure it can be through other people. I think an important clue is through Jesus. Jesus was sent by a loving yet sacrificial God down to Earth to save the sinners. He is God in flesh. If anyone knows, Jesus knows the struggles we go through first hand. Jesus makes God's presence known by declaring grace and love that only a true God could have. Jesus is the one who can truly tell us who God is because he is one in God.

When we see Jesus, we see God. It can be in someone else or in nature. God is all around and it's hard not to find evidence that he's here. Although, we can be stubborn sometimes and think he's ignoring our life.

There are many times that Jesus taught and ministered to others. It is our job to bless others as well. Jesus is our guiding light to God. We need to be the guiding light to Jesus and thus God for others. He will lead us there and he can teach us through the Word to let us know and understand God better.

I touched on it yesterday, but get to know Jesus and God better. Read the gospels like Matthew, Mark, and Luke to get to know Jesus so that you can become familiar with God. Let us follow him more passionately.

P.S. There is another feature that I added to my blog that I forgot to tell you about yesterday. On the top right hand corner of any page, you'll notice a google toolbar. You can search for something that I've written about in all my past posts. Whether it's a Bible verse or something that may be occurring in your life, type it in the space provided and search. Maybe you'll find something I wrote about it. It seems like there's a bit of a glitch, however. If I type in Philippians 4:9, for example it doesn't seem to find anything, so you'd be better off typing the name of the book and just the chapter (Philippians 4). You can also search the web from the google toolbar. Just type anything in, hit enter, and click "the web" tab.

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