Thursday, December 31, 2009

End of the Decade!

John 3:3
3 In reply Jesus declared, "I tell you the truth, no one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again."

Halt! Where has the year gone? It seems like every year is just passing by more and more quickly. At this rate, I guess it's not going to stop, huh?!?!

We all know that the New Year can be good because we can make goals and resoultions. However, what good will they be if we don't do anything about it? Don't just make a goal. Make your dream come true.

Hopefully, you have a spiritual goal lined up for yourself. Do you want to spend ten more minutes with God each day? Do you want to read at least one chapter from the Bible everyday? Those are some decent ideas to start.

As we close out the year, sure you're going to remember the good things and the bad things...the achievements and the failures, but try to get past everything and look straight ahead this upcoming year. Take it day by day. Try to work for the Kingdom of God everyday. As the sun comes up every morning, God has new hope and promises waiting for us everyday because he dwells within us.

Start fresh this year and let God's love and grace boost your hope as you trust the Lord to carry out his will for you each day. God Bless and Seasons Greetings on this Last Day of 2009 and end of the decade!

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