Thursday, July 9, 2009

Say Something Positive and Beneficial.

Ephesians 4:29
29 Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.

You don't have to go very far to find nasty comments. The example that is currently coming to mind is the local newspaper. People have the opportunity to rant and rave about anything they want, within reason. This is all because of freedom of speech, which is good, however I think some just take advantage of it.

It seems like there are far more critical comments nowadays. It's hard to come by a lot that's positive. What ever happened to commending someone for their hard work and publishing that in the newspaper? Some not so positive comments need to be said from time to time to ensure a sense of reality, however. Is it easier to rant about something than to show appreciation? Instinctively, it does seem like it's easier for all of us to lay out the negative.

We should start acknowledging the positive things as well - and watch closely what comes out of our mouths. I know last year an inside joke started in my youth group and that was "FILTER!" When someone said something that was too graphic, that's what we would say to try and steer them away from that and change the subject.

Say things that are beneficial and encouraging. If anything, shoot for constructive criticism. It would be great to turn a bad comment around. If you're about to say something negative, change it around to a more positive one. Think of something that will be inspiring and motivating. Certainly don't say something that you know will hurt them and don't lie either.

“There is a subterranean emotional economy that passes amongst all of us. In every interaction, we can make people feel better or worse.” ~Daniel Coleman

“Some words are like rays of sunshine, others like barbed arrows, or the bite of a serpent. And if hard words cut so deep, how much pleasure can kind ones give?” ~Sir John Lubbock

P.S. I'm on way to Washington D.C. as you read this. I'm leaving with the church youth group at 2 A.M. Thursday. We are going there for a conference and to build up our relationship with Christ. Please pray that we will be safe on our long days of travel and also be successful in our goal to get closer to Christ. I do have blogs scheduled to post for the rest of the week. Meanwhile, I'll be black sometime Tuesday and hopefully starting Wednesday I can tell you all about it. God bless you!

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