Wednesday, July 29, 2009

It Shouldn't be All About the Fame.

Genesis 6:9
9 This is the account of Noah.
Noah was a righteous man, blameless among the people of his time, and he walked with God.

The first full day of the mission trip we discussed how we are "free from the desire for FAME." I've already told you how I feel about the whole Michael Jackson situation (which I might add is still continuing more than a month later). I can't do anything about what the world demands attention for though. Again I remind you that he was an incredible man with lots of talent, and I understand that, but we absolutely have to move on in life (see July 11 post). I guess in a way I'm dragging it out more by bringing it up today!

Fame in today's culture is like a world renowned celebrity of the day. That means he has a great deal of talent and an ideal personality. A lot of times fame means having lots of money and it means that one had some outstanding event that has occurred in their life at one point. Meanwhile, obeying the law, being kind, and serving God faithfully does absolutely nothing to your popularity, according to the world.

The Bible tells us that Noah was just an average guy who tried to live up to what God asked him to do. He did the best that he possibly could. God wiped the slate clean in Noah's time and made the earth flood. Every part of the world was swept away, except for Noah and his family along with two of every animal that lived on earth. God told Noah that the only way this would be possible was to build an ark. Noah wanted to follow God's orders. Can you imagine the looks that Noah got for doing such a 'crazy' and unearthly thing -- listening to God? Noah didn't care about the possibility of him losing popularity. His family and the animals went on the ark and they were saved from the flood.

Noah clearly had faith to help him live up to God's standards. It's not always easy for us to say, "Oh yeah, I'm going to please God today and no one else!" Think of Noah as a dedicated follower of God's word and simply do your best at doing the same every single day! You may not be gaining popularity from the world by doing such deeds, but I guarantee you, God will reward you, and that's better than any fame that the world can possibly offer!

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