Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Carrying Others' Burdens.

Galatians 6:2
2 Carry each other's burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.

I heard a story once that went something like this:
A girl from a little town walked to the nearest store to get eggs. She was gone for two hours. During this time her mother was extremely worried because it was an unusually long amount of time for the little girl to be out alone. Once she finally returned home, her mom yelled at her at the top of her lungs. The mother asked, "Where were you and what on earth were you doing?" The girl replied, "Mom, it's okay, I'm sorry, I just had to fix Lizzy's doll." The mother then said, "What do you know about fixing dolls?" The girl honestly claimed, "You see, I wasn't able to fix her doll, so I sat down with her and cried."

The little girl was doing just as Galatians tells us to do, which is to "carry each other's burdens." Sometimes you can't physically help someone in their situation. However, your presence, is all that really matters. Be kind to others, be a good listener, and even let a friend cry on your shoulders. This is what Jesus asks us to do - love our neighbor as ourselves. Your friend will definitely be grateful if you love them in such a way.

Compassion and love sure go a long way. Having that person to turn to when everything is all wrong is wonderful. Showing the same degree of compassion as the little girl is what helps to rebuild that inner peace that everyone needs, as I mentioned yesterday.

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