Monday, August 25, 2008

The Mathematics of Forgiveness.

Matthew 18:21-22
21 Then Peter came to him and asked, “Lord, how often should I forgive someone who sins against me? Seven times?”

22 “No, not seven times,” Jesus replied, “but seventy times seven!

Grab a piece of paper and make 77 columns. Then on each row jot down everyone's name you know. Carry that list everywhere you go and every time you have to forgive somebody mark it down. Once you make a mark 77 times, you can completely remove them from your life. You can hold a grudge and completely ignore them forever.

I don't know about you, but I'm thinking that's a silly thing to do. It's ridiculous! Jesus is trying to make that clear too. The fact that Jesus' disciple Peter tried to reduce forgiveness to a mathematical formula is absurd. Let's think of how many times God forgives us...many more than 77 times. God's forgiveness is so great that that it defies all mathematics!

If we're a constant violator and we have been graced by God's forgiveness, how is it right to hold forgiveness back from others?

Think of instances where you may be holding a grudge against others and where you may have found it hard to forgive someone when they have done the same thing over and over. Keep in mind that God will give you the strength to eliminate that grudge. Pray about it.

“In the face of unjust criticism we can become bitter or better; upset or understanding; hostile or humble; furious or forgiving.” ~William Arthur Ward

1 comment:

The Phoenix said...

That's so true, I never really thought about it that way but it makes perfect sense.